The Rosh Yeshiva expands upon his mussar shmooze from a couple of weeks ago about why the Jewish people were not able to hear Moshe Rabbeinu (our teacher Moses) in Mitzrayim (Egypt) because of shortness of breath/spirit, contrasting that generation with the greatest generation of all time and the great example they gave us. May we be inspired to emulate their ways, so that we, too, will be at peace in the midst of our challenges.
The Rosh Yeshiva introduces the winter zeman (period of learning) at Diaspora Yeshiva with the importance of beginning with the right intentions, setting the right goals, and tracking results.
Receiving nevuah [prophecy] parallels receiving Torah — it all depends on how much the recipient is capable of receiving.
A Jew can reach the heights of Moshe Rabbeinu. This is stated in Tehillim 84:12: ‘He withholds no goodness from those who walk in b’tmimus.’
HaShem created the Evil Inclination. He also created the antidote. To be saved from the power of the Evil Inclination, take the antidote!
This story shows us the value that Rabbi Yochannan attached to Torah. How could he sell everything he owned without any financial plan for his future?
It is said in the name of the Bircas Shmuel that two factors obligate man to act in accordance with them: the Torah and human intellect.
The Rosh Yeshiva and Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion, Jerusalem and King David’s Tomb speaks about the recent news of the Israeli government removing the exemption from service in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) for Yeshiva students…
It is my prayer that these gems go out from our beis hamidrash to the Torah world at large, and that Klal Yisrael reaps the benefits my students have gained from these works.
Rabbi Dovid Sackton, RAM of Diaspora Yeshiva and translator of Ramchal’s Derech HaKodesh (Way of Torah), introduces Ramchal’s method.