DiasporaYeshiva.com is now the online home of the Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael. For the Foundation website, which includes among other things information about areas of need and giving opportunities, please visit DiasporaYeshiva.org.

The Original Yeshiva for Baalei Teshuva

For almost 60 years, Diaspora Yeshiva has been embracing Jewish men seeking to return to HaShem and His Torah in accordance with the teaching of the Sages of Israel.

If you are a Jewish man, 18-35, whose heart is for HaShem, and are seeking to delve deeper into His Torah than ever before, and to unite with the Jewish people in embracing your G-d given calling as His Kingdom of Priests and Holy Nation, welcome home!

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Find the full minidoc at the bottom of this page.

In the words of the Rebbe, Z"l

Rabbi Mordechai Goldstein zt"l, Father of the Baal Teshuva Movement

“And we are the ombudsman for the whole world, and we can stand without blemish, with morality, and justice, and care, and be a nation that’s different, and the nation that we’re supposed to be—that we’re designated by G-d to bring forth into the world. And that is what is meant, ‘From Mount Zion will come forth the Torah.’ The Diaspora Yeshiva is the most serious institution that can be, and we want to play that role.”

The Rebbe, Rabbi Mordechai Goldstein, Z”l
Founder of the Diaspora Yeshiva
Father of the Ba’al Teshuvah Movement

Transforming Lives

“Diaspora Yeshiva has allowed me to grow in Torah and middot [character] in a way that seems catered to me. It’s a place that isn’t about “one-size-fits-all”, but about finding my personal relationship with Hashem.”
– Binyamin T.

Yeshiva Student Testimonial

Latest Updates

“Of all our great Sages, Rabbi Akiva is most noted for his meteoric ascent from total ignorance of the Torah to the greatest heights of learning. What was the secret of his extraordinary accomplishment?”

See how the holy Jews on Mount Zion, Jerusalem celebrate Shushan Purim. It’s a holy and fun day, with plenty to eat and drink—for the sake of the mitzvah!

‘One is obligated to be intoxicated on Purim to the point where he does not know [the difference] between “accursed is Haman” and “blessed is Mordechai”.’
– Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 695:2

B”H, a new Sefer Torah was inaugurated this week on Mount Zion and added to the holy ark in Torah MiTziyon study hall at Diaspora Yeshiva.  The post includes a video of the escorting of the Torah scroll from the residence of the Rosh Yeshiva and highlights of the dancing and meal that followed.

With the Tomb of King David at the center of the Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael campus, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new section dedicated to the memory of King David, B”H. Stay tuned for updates, b’ezras HaShem.

Core Programs for Baalei Teshuva


A three month introduction to authentic Torah Judaism, its primary sources, and generally being a part of the Jewish community.

Beginner to Intermediate

A one to three year program for Jewish men who have a clear sense of the vast depths of the Torah and are ready to learn.

Intermediate to Advanced

A six year deep dive into Torah Judaism, transforming baalei teshuva into Torah scholars and community leaders.

With Gratitude to HaShem for Our Supporters

Avigail Tresgallo is a Jerusalem-based freelance event photographer who generously donated toward the new redesign of DiasporaYeshiva.net (formerly .org) without hesitation when she learned of the need. She is available to photograph bas mitzvahs, bar mitzvahs, weddings, simchas in general, family photos, product photography and more in and around Jerusalem.
She makes it a priority to capture all of the joy, meaning, and precious moments of your event or family session from artistic perspectives, without stepping on anyone’s toes. She believes the most important thing when getting your photos taken is that you should feel comfortable during the process and happy with the results, and she does everything possible to make that happen. She is available for simchas, portraits, and product photography in and around Jerusalem.