DiasporaYeshiva.com is the online home of the Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael. For the Foundation website, including fundraising for areas of need, please visit DiasporaYeshiva.org.

The Original Baal Teshuva Yeshiva

For nearly 60 years, Diaspora Yeshiva has been uplifting Jewish men seeking to return to their Jewish heritage in accordance with the teachings of the Sages of Israel, believing in and cultivating the potential of every student not only to return to HaShem and His Ways but to even become Torah Scholars and leaders of the Jewish people.

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For Part 1 of Mount Zion Reborn, click here.

In the Words of the Rosh Yeshiva

“My vision is that every Jew from around the world in the diaspora will come to Israel, and if they cannot come, that at least a member of their family can come to Israel and learn Torah, and enjoy, and seek the power and the holiness of Mount Zion, and to connect, and then shine that light for their countries of birth. As it says in the Bible, “Ki miTziyon teitzei Torah,” the Torah will go forth from Zion.”

“All Jews should come. You don’t need to have any background. The Diaspora Yeshiva is here to teach people with no background, and surely also with, to connect and be involved, and seek the holiness of Jerusalem and G-d.”

Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a
Rosh HaYeshiva
Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael

Torah Programs for Baalei Teshuva

Beginner to Intermediate

A one year program for Jewish men who have graduated from high school, with option to earn accredited Bachelor of Arts.

Beginner to Intermediate

A one to three year program for Jewish men who have a clear sense of the vast depths of the Torah and are ready to learn.

Intermediate to Advanced

A six year deep dive into Torah Judaism, transforming baalei teshuva into Torah scholars and community leaders.

Transforming Lives

Yeshiva Student Testimonial

“Diaspora Yeshiva has allowed me to grow in Torah and middot [character] in a way that seems catered to me. It’s a place that isn’t about “one-size-fits-all,” but about finding my personal relationship with Hashem.”
– Binyamin T.

In the words of the Founder

Rabbi Mordechai Goldstein zt"l, Father of the Baal Teshuva Movement

“And we are the ombudsman for the whole world, and we can stand without blemish, with morality, and justice, and care, and be a nation that’s different, and the nation that we’re supposed to be—that we’re designated by G-d to bring forth into the world. And that is what is meant, ‘From Mount Zion will come forth the Torah.’ The Diaspora Yeshiva is the most serious institution that can be, and we want to play that role.”

The Rebbe, Rabbi Mordechai Goldstein, ztz”l
Founder of Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael
Father of the Ba’al Teshuvah Movement

Torah From Zion

The Rosh Yeshiva discusses the subject of Chalav Akum (Milk of Idolaters), beginning with the Mishnah on page 39b of Maseches Avodah Zarah and related sources.

Receiving prophecy parallels receiving Torah — it all depends on how much the recipient is capable of receiving.

A Jew can reach the heights of Moshe [Moses] Rabbeinu. This is stated openly in Tehillim (Psalms) 84:12: “He withholds no goodness from those who walk b’tmimus [in perfect innocence].”

The Rosh Yeshiva discusses the Geulah (Redemption) and the coming of Mashiach in relation to the personal and corporate Teshuvah (Repentance) of the Jewish people.

With Gratitude for Our Partners

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schlussel

Mr. Steven Schlussel and his wife Karen, together with their family, are long time supporters and partners in the intensive construction and renovations that have taken place on Mount Zion, Jerusalem over the past approximately 20 years, as chronicled in the mini-documentary Mount Zion Reborn Parts One and Two.
His leadership and unwavering, unconditional commitment to his vision of restoring Mount Zion to its ancient glory and to inspire a more full return of the presence of the Jewish people to the historic resting place of the righteous kings of Israel — particularly King David, King Solomon, and King Hezekiah — is truly remarkable, and an example for all who would partner with HaShem in rebuilding Jerusalem.
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