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Showing 1-10 of 102 results
When Parashas Terumah Was Given and the Real Essence of the Temple

When Parashas Terumah Was Given and the Real Essence of the Temple


The Rosh Yeshiva addresses the question about when HaShem instructed Moshe (Moses) about the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in Parashas Terumah, explaining how we can know it was before the Cheit HaEgel (Sin of the Golden Calf) by understanding the essence and the greatness of the gift of the Mishkan/Beis HaMikdash (Temple).

Atheism vs Shituf: What is Worse? And Essentialness of Establishing Courts | R’ Yitzchak Goldstein

Atheism vs Shituf: What is Worse? And Essentialness of Establishing Courts


The Rosh Yeshiva discusses the essential requirement of establishing courts of justice, an obligation not only for the Jewish people but also for the nations in the Torah, as well as the question about what is worse, atheism or shituf, the form of avodah zarah (“idolatry”) that attributes partners to G-d, such as the doctrine of the “Trinity” insisted upon by Christians.

The Leniency of the Torah Versus Real Measure for Measure Judgment | R’ Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a

The Leniency of the Torah Versus Real Measure for Measure Judgment | R’ Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a


The Rosh Yeshiva reflects upon the principle in Parashas Mishpatim (Shemos / Exodus 21:23-25) about appropriate mida keneged mida (measure for measure) din (judgment) when a person harms another person compared to the actual Jewish understanding and application of the related pesukim (verses), and the real purpose of the Torah.

The Greatest Generation in History and What Made Them So Great | Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a

The Greatest Generation in History and What Made Them So Great | Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a


The Rosh Yeshiva expands upon his mussar shmooze from a couple of weeks ago about why the Jewish people were not able to hear Moshe Rabbeinu (our teacher Moses) in Mitzrayim (Egypt) because of shortness of breath/spirit, contrasting that generation with the greatest generation of all time and the great example they gave us. May we be inspired to emulate their ways, so that we, too, will be at peace in the midst of our challenges.

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