Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael | Mount Zion, Jerusalem
March 19th, 2025 / 19th of Adar, 5785
The Rosh Yeshiva discusses the realities and dangers of the Ayin HaRa (the Evil Eye) through a number of sources and examples, beginning with what the Torah says in Parashas Ki Sisa about counting the Jewish people and the need for a kofer (ranson), and ultimately explaining how to avoid the judgment that comes from the Ayin HaRa from Shamayim.
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From beginner to advanced, if you’re a Jewish man, 18 to 35 years of age, and you’re ready to give your heart to HaShem, and to get serious about learning Torah, Diaspora Yeshiva has a place for you with us on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.