Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael | Mount Zion, Jerusalem

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A Tribute to

The Diaspora Yeshiva Band

Established on Mount Zion in 1975

Avraham Rosenblum & the Diaspora Yeshiva Band Story

Rosenblum tells his story and that of the founding of the legendary Diaspora Yeshiva Band, on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.

Produced and Directed by Gi Orman
Executive Producers: Aish HaTorah’s Project Inspire

Diaspora Yeshiva Band Founder Avraham Rosenblum and the Diaspora Yeshiva Band Story

The Band that Changed Jewish Music

By original band member, Ruby Harris

“If Rock n’ Roll was born in the 50s, and the 60s saw it be fruitful and multiply, then the 70s saw an interesting phenomenon when some of these musicians began to find that old time religion, and in the Holy Land of Israel in particular some of them gathered in a very musical and spiritual place on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, and formed a band that was called “The Diaspora Yeshiva Band”. From approximately 1976 to 1986 3 things occurred: 1) they became one of the most popular bands in Jewish music. 2) The Jewish music before this time was about to go through what can only be described as the same basic transformation that the world of popular music went through with the Beatles, and 3) The old Jewish/Yiddish music was re-discovered and became amalgamated with new worlds of music.”

“This is the most incredible, straight, sweet bunch of men that I’ve ever known in my life, and honest beyond reproach, and it’s a pleasure for me to be here.”
– Lynyrd Skynyrd Drummer Artemus Pyle
The Lynyrd Skynyrd Connection to Mount Zion

A Revolution in Jewish Music

Lo B'chayil
Asay L'ma'an Shemecha
The Gate of Return

Classic Performances

Pitchu Li by Diaspora Yeshiva Band Live on Mount Zion
Pitchu Li Performed Live on Mount Zion
With a Little Help From HaShem Performed Live on Mount Zion
Malchutcha Performed by Diaspora Yeshiva Band Members
Live Performance of Malchuscha
Diaspora Yeshiva Band Performing Kotel Song on Richard Siegel Show in 1979
Kotel Song Live on Richard Siegel Show
Hafachta Live on Richard Siegel Show
Tom Petty and Diaspora Yeshiva Band

The 2014 Diaspora Yeshiva Band Reunion Set at HASC 27

2014 Diaspora Yeshiva Band Reunion at HASC 27

Diaspora Yeshiva Transforms Lives

For nearly 60 years, Diaspora Yeshiva, the original baal teshuva yeshiva, has been uplifting Jewish men seeking to return to their Jewish heritage in accordance with the teachings of the Sages of Israel, believing in and cultivating the potential of every student not only to return to HaShem and His Ways but to even become Torah Scholars and leaders of the Jewish people.

Single, Jewish man, 18-35, are invited to contact us about coming to learn Torah with us at the Yeshiva on Mount Zion in the upcoming zeman (period of learning).

Find the Program for You

The Diaspora Yeshiva has programs for baalei teshuva at all levels of learning, for shorter and longer terms.

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