The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about an important difference between Yoseif and Yaakov’s other sons,
and why the Torah describes Yoseif as a na’ar (youth), which implies immaturity, even though he
was a very wise son, who was able to grasp the Torah of Ya’akov (Jacob), and we should learn from
this about teaching our children.
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the story of Ya’akov (Jacob) and Yoseif (Joseph) and the reality that each of us have our own unique journeys in this world, some of which is preordained and some of which we get to choose, and how to be happy with the life that HaShem has given us with emunah (“faith”) and bitachon (trust).
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the incident in Parashas Vayishlach with Ya’akov’s (Jacob’s) daughter Dina and Shechem, and the response of Shimon and Levi, where they went wrong, what they should have done, and what we should learn from this in our time about the disagreement between Chareidim who sit and learn Torah and those who think they need to instead fight in the IDF, and how we really win as HaShem’s Holy Nation in the end through the counsel of Talmidei Chachamim (the Students of the Sages).
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the reality of HaShem’s ways in the world in prevailing over the Satan and bringing the Redemption of the World.