The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the reality of suffering in the acquisition of the Torah. It’s not a punishment!
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the connection between the love of money, baseless hatred, and the current exile of the Jewish people.
The Rosh Yeshiva explains what happened with Gad, Reuven, and half the tribe of Menasheh in Parashas Matos, and what we should learn from it.
, The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about Bamidbar (Numbers) 30:9, Parashas Matos-Masei, and the importance of our thoughts and intentions.
Mussar Shmooze given over by Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva, Parashas Pinchas 5784.
The Rosh Yeshiva and Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion, Jerusalem and King David’s Tomb speaks about the recent news of the Israeli government removing the exemption from service in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) for Yeshiva students…
HaRav Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael and Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion, Jerusalem speaks about a major goal of Creation. “It’s not enough to learn Torah!”
Mussar Shmooze on Parashas Chukas about Connecting to the Upper Holiness of HaShem, by HaRav Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael and of Mount Zion, Jerusalem.
Mussar Shmooze on Parashas Korach 5784, given over yesterday by HaRav Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael and Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion, Jerusalem.
The Rosh Yeshiva discusses a verifiable promise of HaShem in Parashas Bechukosai, rare in the Torah and not found in any other religion.