What makes Eretz Yisrael, Torah, and Shabbos unique gifts to the Jewish people? Discover the spiritual lessons and connections in this chapter.
Torah From Zion An Important Midrash on Mishlei About Knowing Wisdom and Mussar January 9th, 2025 / 9th of Teiveis, 5784 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9WBcB6C4RE The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about an important midrash on a pasuk (verse) in Mishlei (Proverbs) about knowing chachmah …
What are four forms of prayer we pray to receive what we need from the Creator of All, and why do we use the titles, “Our Father, our King?”
Is it possible for a regular Jew in today’s world to reach the level of prayer that focuses on “eternal life”—thinking only of Hashem’s honor?
“The situation was already so dire, and now, when the redemption was promised, their persecution is only increased? Where is Hashem’s mercy?”
Uncover why Yitzchak Avinu asked Esav for food before blessing him. Explore the deep connection between food, blessings, and the soul
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the miracle for which the Festival of Chanukah was established and its significance.
Explore the unique status of Sefer Devarim—its divine origins, Moshe’s role, and how it redefines rebuke, teshuva, and our bond with Hashem.
What disappointment Yosef could have felt. This disappointment could have shaken him to the core. And yet, we see no mention of this.
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the preference Ya’akov (Jacob) showed to Yoseif (Joseph) over his other sons, and how it led to the galus (exile) in Mitzrayim (Egypt), why he did it anyway, and what we should learn from it in regards to raising children.