Torah From Zion The Subject of Chalipin (Exchange) – Part 12 January 16th, 2025 / 16th of Teiveis, 5785 The Rosh Yeshiva’s third weekly Talmud B’Iyun (In-Depth) Shiur Klali on the sugiya (subject) of Chalipin (Exchange), Maseches Kiddushin (part …
The Rosh Yeshiva’s second weekly Talmud B’Iyun (In-Depth) Shiur Klali on the sugiya (subject) of Chalipin (Exchange), Maseches Kiddushin (part 9 in the whole, daily series), which ties together and concludes the learning on the sugiya for the week.
HaShem created the Evil Inclination. He also created the antidote. To be saved from the power of the Evil Inclination, take the antidote!