The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about HaShem’s instruction to the Jewish people in Mitzrayim (Egypt) to borrow from the Mitzrim (Egyptians) without repayment, why this was done in the light of Torah, and the difference between what happened at that time and what will happen in the end in order to rebuild the Kingdom of HaShem and the Beis HaMikdash, a House of Prayer for All the Nations.
Torah From Zion “Tasheiv Enosh Ad Daka” – Teshuvah is Accepted Until “Dichucha Shel Nefesh” January 28th, 2025 / 128th of Teiveis, 5785 The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the greatness of HaShem’s mercy in accepting teshuva (repentance) until “dichucha …
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the shortness of spirit of the Jewish people in Mitzrayim (Egypt) when Moshe (Moses) spoke to them in Parashas Vaeira (Shemos / Exodus 6:9), and the amazing Or HaChaim that provides the cure for the pain.
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the recent news about the hostage-ceasfire deal signed by the State of Israel and Hamas and why Chareidi Rabbis agree in the light of Torah sources.
The Rosh Yeshiva adds to the his mussar shiur from earlier in the week about the teshuvah (repentance), tikkun (rectification), and Sechus (Merit) of the mother of the Jewish people in Mitzrayim (Egypt), rooted in their great emunah (faith) and bitachon (trust) in HaShem and His promise.
Torah From Zion The Subject of Chalipin (Exchange) – Part 12 January 16th, 2025 / 16th of Teiveis, 5785 The Rosh Yeshiva’s third weekly Talmud B’Iyun (In-Depth) Shiur Klali on the sugiya (subject) of Chalipin (Exchange), Maseches Kiddushin (part …
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the pasuk (verse) in Parashas Shemos (Exodus 1:7) that remarkably praises the mothers of the Jewish people in Mitzrayim (Egypt) using the language of sheratzim (insects), and what we should learn from it about our work in bringing Mashiach (the Messiah) by having Jewish children.
The Rosh Yeshiva’s second weekly Talmud B’Iyun (In-Depth) Shiur Klali on the sugiya (subject) of Chalipin (Exchange), Maseches Kiddushin (part 9 in the whole, daily series), which ties together and concludes the learning on the sugiya for the week.
Torah From Zion An Important Midrash on Mishlei About Knowing Wisdom and Mussar January 9th, 2025 / 9th of Teiveis, 5784 The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about an important midrash on a pasuk (verse) in Mishlei (Proverbs) about knowing chachmah …
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the miracle for which the Festival of Chanukah was established and its significance.