The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the pasuk (verse) in Parashas Shemos (Exodus 1:7) that remarkably praises the mothers of the Jewish people in Mitzrayim (Egypt) using the language of sheratzim (insects), and what we should learn from it about our work in bringing Mashiach (the Messiah) by having Jewish children.
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about an important difference between Yoseif and Yaakov’s other sons,
and why the Torah describes Yoseif as a na’ar (youth), which implies immaturity, even though he
was a very wise son, who was able to grasp the Torah of Ya’akov (Jacob), and we should learn from
this about teaching our children.
The Rosh Yeshiva speaks about the preference Ya’akov (Jacob) showed to Yoseif (Joseph) over his other sons, and how it led to the galus (exile) in Mitzrayim (Egypt), why he did it anyway, and what we should learn from it in regards to raising children.