Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael | Mount Zion, Jerusalem
February 24th, 2025 / 26th of Shevat, 5785
The Rosh Yeshiva discusses the essential requirement of establishing courts of justice, an obligation not only for the Jewish people but also for the nations in the Torah, as well as the question about what is worse, atheism or shituf, the form of avodah zarah (“idolatry”) that attributes partners to G-d, such as the doctrine of the “Trinity” insisted upon by Christians.
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From beginner to advanced, if you’re a Jewish man, 18 to 35 years of age, and you’re ready to give your heart to HaShem, and to get serious about learning Torah, Diaspora Yeshiva has a place for you with us on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.