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Torah From Zion

Your Intentions Determine Your Future, Parashas Matos-Masei 5784

July 30th, 2024 / 25th of Tammuz, 5784

Play Video about Your Intentions Determine Your Future, Parashas Matos-Masei 5784

HaRav Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael and Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion, Jerusalem and King David’s Tomb, speaks about what happened with the tribe of Gad, the tribe of Reuven, and half the tribe of Menasheh when they came to Moshe asking to inherit the land on the east side of the Yardein (Jordan River), which the Torah relates in Parashas Matos, why and how they were punished, and what we can learn about the importance of torah thinking from their mistake.

This is one of five Mussar Shiurim the Rosh Yeshiva gives throughout the week each week. Come and learn Torah with us on Mount Zion and don’t miss them!

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