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Torah From Zion

Wine Mevushal (Cooked Wine), Part 2, Maseches Avodah Zarah

July 25th, 2024 / 19th of Tammuz, 5784

Play Video about Yayin Mevushal (Cooked Wine) – Part 2 – Maseches Avodah Zarah – Talmud BIyun (In-Depth)

Part 2 of our Talmud B’Iyun (In-Depth) sugiya (subject), Yayin Mevushal (Cooked Wine), Maseches (Tractate) Avodah Zarah, given over last week by HaRav Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlit”a, Rosh Yeshiva of Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael and Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion, Jerusalem.

For the sake of our understanding, we conducted two live experiments to see for ourselves at what point wine begins to evaporate, and whether or not Rabbi Moshe Feinstein is right, that wine begins to reduce its volume (i.e., steam) before it reaches 45 degrees, and also that it begins to evaporate at 45 degrees.

Talmud B’Iyun (learning Talmud in-depth) according to sugiya is how we come to an understanding of the halachah, i.e., how we live out the Torah of HaShem. This weekly lecture concludes our learning on the part of the subject we are learning throughout the week.

For better learning and retention, come and work on the sugiya with us daily! We have different classes for different levels of learning. You may also contact us about tuning in to this weekly conclusion remotely via Zoom for more timely learning and for the related handouts.

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