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Torah From Zion

Mount Zion Reborn – Part 2

June 5th, 2024 / 29th of Iyar, 5784

The second part of the documentary “Mt. Zion Reborn,” chronicling the intensive construction and renovations that have taken place on Mount Zion, Jerusalem over the past nineteen or so years, in order to restore the mountain to its ancient glory and to inspire a more full return of the presence of the Jewish people to the historic resting place of the righteous kings of Israel, particularly King David, King Solomon, and King Hezekiah.

The work continues, being spearheaded by Mr. Steven Schlussel and Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva a Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael and Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion and King David’s Tomb, b’ezras HaShem, and what a transformation, B”H!

For Part 1 of Mount Zion Reborn, click here.

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